Sunday, March 18, 2007

On fantasy

When i realised that my workplace is in the same building with the Victorian Police, i have been pondering about fantasy as a topic which i'd like to write in my blog.

Austin V. Whittall wrote an article about fantasy supported by collection of sources. In the article he quoted a survey conducted in UK that reveals firemen as ladies' favourite. This 'man-on-fire' job recorded 47.3% whereas the precentage of others occupations such as soldiers, businessmen, football players, pilots, and policemen range from 25-28%. Having sex with nurses is men biggest whimsies (53.9%) then followed by maids (44.2%) and air hostesses (39.6%), and businesswomen (24%) while male students like to have sex with their teachers (66.7%) (I have some sexy teachers and lecturers!).

I could not understand why firemen is so popular. Maybe it is because the role that firemen have as they will be ready anytime to rescue us. Heroicness in this sense could be a great aphrodisiac but also could tell us more about women's idea of masculinity. I am not sure about this as i haven't asked my female friends about what do they think of firemen.

As to teachers, something forbidden and taboo are probably two things that give a stimulating feeling. Intimate relationship between teachers and their pupils are strongly forbade. Different in ages also seems to be an issue. Having this fantasy is kind of blurring boundaries between normality and deviance.

The survey said that power and money are potential aphrodisiac in relate to fantasy about bussiness people. But i think that power could be played out in some fantasies. Maid, for instance, has submissive role. Likewise, in scenario with the policemen, some will think themselves as bad girls who give their hands to be handcuffed and say "arrest me officer, i am a bad girl".

If power lies behind these fantasies, it is quite odd that we haven't heard people fantasising about people working for social security services. They are very powerful. You will give them any information that they want although you have already given to them two weeks ago.

What was not covered in the survey is the dream of having sex with pool cleaners. Maybe this is quite difficult as not many people have pool in their houses. The other reason is perhaps the concern with environmental. How could you call pool cleaner if there is a severe drought at your state? Even if you don't care less, your neighbour will dob you in to Water Restriction Patroli.

It could be interesting to know what the result will be if such survey is conducted in others countries. Will tuk-tuk or pedicab drivers be the most favourite?

I think in the next few years or so, the most favourite fantasy would be bloggers!

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